

Japan Mountaineering & Sport Climbing Association (JMSCA) Statement on the Russian Invasion of Ukraine: ロシア政府軍のウクライナ侵攻に関する声明

We, the Japan Mountaineering & Sport Climbing Association (JMSCA, a public interest incorporated association) would like to make a statement regarding the military invasion of Ukraine by the Russian government.  As one of the national federations that belong to the UIAA, the IFSC, and the ISMF, we strongly condemn the invasion by the Russian government and call on a cease-fire and a peaceful solution by an immediate arbitration.  
 We have a friendship with the Climbing Federation of Russia led by the president, Mr. Dmitriy Bychkov.  His federation and the JMSCA love climbing, and we have worked together to promote the sport, and to train and strengthen athletes.  Even outside the Federation, we have enjoyed a long and strong friendship with a lot of sport climbing fans within Russia.  Our unique relationship should not be impaired by any act of war.
There are a lot of sport climbing fans in Ukraine as well. The athletes there have achieved outstanding records. Under current conditions, Ukrainians are not only deprived of training, but they are also forced to part with their families and friends and spend countless nights unable to sleep from agitation and fear.
We also demand that any act of discrimination, false accusation, and persecution not be imposed on the people of three nations, including Belarus. Climbing enthusiasts and athletes in Russia and Belarus should not be identified with the war acts of both governments.  Any act of discrimination and coercive practices toward more vulnerable people should never be allowed. We will not stand on the sidelines as bystanders, nor will we keep silent. As those who love mountain climbing, sport climbing, and mountaineering skiing, we always endeavor to seek objective information to the best of our abilities and listen to as many as people who have been caught in the situation.
This war will end someday. We all know that the war leaves division and deep wounds in both nations long after the war has ended.  Lost lives and the grief of their families will be engraved forever in world history.  It will take a long time to restore normalcy to the people of Ukraine and its infrastructure.  Russia will be more and more isolated internationally, and it is obvious that we will have to survive the post war era together.   As an enthusiast of climbing sport and mountaineering sport including alpine climbing, we will seriously think about what we should do at this moment.

March, 15, 2022

Seiichiro S.Maru, President

 私共は、Dmitry Bychkov会長が率いるClimbing Federation of Russiaとは友人関係にあり、同会とJMSCAはスポーツクライミング競技を愛し、共に競技普及、選手育成・強化に努めてまいりました。同会に限らず、ロシア国内の多くのスポーツクライミングファンとも、深く・長い友好関係があります。この唯一無二の関係は、いかなる戦争行為にも侵されるものではありません。

会長 丸 誠一郎
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