2月27日15回山岳スキー競技日本選手権2日目、インディビジュアル レースが開催されました。 あいにくの雨の中でのレースとなり、雪崩など山中での安全を考慮してコースが短縮されました。レースは、53人の選手が宇奈月温泉の中心街を山スキーブーツにスキーをザックに取り付け走りぬけ多くの観衆が驚きの様子で見守りました。レースは雨で重くなった雪に苦労する選手が続出するなか22歳の島徳太郎選手と47歳の大ベテラン藤川健選手がデッドヒートを繰り広げ白熱したレースとなり島選手が接戦を制して優勝しました。
The ISMF series, the 15th SKIMO Japan National Championship t 2nd day
On Sunday February 27th the usual individual race took place. Due to rain and a high avalanche risk the original course had to be shortened to 10.4 km. The race started from the middle of the hot-spring town and the spectators were impressed by seeing nearly 60 SKIMO racers in boots, carrying skies on their backs. They raced through the town before reaching the snow slope.
22-year-old T. Shima and a veteran, 47years old, K. Fujikawa were in a closely fought race right up to the goal, but Shima came first at the end. The third place was taken by N. Kodera, who is also a very veteran racer. In similar results to the women’s sprint race, S. Takizawa took the top position again and A. Ueda came second in the senior women category.
大会第ニ日 リザルト